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Practise the present tense of -ar verbs (ctd)

On the previous page, you practised just the 'yo' and 'tú' forms ("I" and "you" singular) of the present tense. Now, we'll add some more forms:

  • to make the he/she form, replace -ar with -a;
  • to make the you (formal) form (the usted), also use the he/she form;
  • to make the we form (nosotros in Spanish), replace -ar with -amos.

Note that the pronoun nosotros becomes nosotras when all the people referred to are female. But since subject pronouns are generally omitted in Spanish, that won't concern us here.

Here is a reminder of the verbs we're using, although you of course will have learnt some of them by now...

trabajar to workcaminar to walk
preguntar to askterminar to finish
tomar to drinkesperar to hope
dibujar to drawamar to love
explicar to explainutilizar to use

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In the grid below, you will practise a mixture of the above forms plus the yo and forms from before. Again, it's worth spending a little while practising so that these forms come to you more or less without hesitation. In particular, watch out for the difference between the informal "you" form ending in -as (which you were practising on the previous page) and the formal "you" form, ending in -a. (We'll refer to the informal form by saying that we're talking to a "single friend".)


Now, you have a choice depending on whether or not you want to practise the Spanish vosotros form of the verb. Recall that this form is not generally used in Latin America. Choose from:

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